August 05, 2006

Media's Qana Photo Shame

Do you believe what you read in the press?

Does an emotive photograph overwhelm dry facts, or the need to look for them?

If you want an insight into media manipulation, take a look at this stunning analysis of the Qana photographs that were published after many people were killed, apparently by an Israeli airstrike on July 30th.

Not all was as it seemed. The Western media appear to have connived in a stage managed Hezbollah event calculated to squeeze the maximum shock and emotional punch from tragedy. By going along with the charade, a big question mark must be raised over what really happened at Qana in the first place, and Hezbollah's part in it.

EU Referendum blog's initial take on the Qana photos resulted in a denial by the press agencies, but that denial failed to detail an alternative interpretation, or provide any further evidence. Now Richard North has fully exposed the agencies' shameful secret.

What credibility - or integrity - the mainstream media now?

1 comment:

Matt said...

I enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading more.