July 26, 2005

How To Help Someone Near Death

The greatest thing one can do for another (letter from the Telegraph):

Sir - The death of

Dame Cicely Saunders

(Obituaries, July 15) is a great loss to the hospice movement.

I spent the whole of my career in nursing and in the early 1970s I heard a lecture given by Dame Cicely, who described the three important things that the terminally ill need. They are given as if the patient were speaking - Stay with me - Speak to me - Hold my hand.

These few words perfectly describe the needs of a dying person and were so powerful that I remember them every time I think of that situation. May I commend them to every person who is a carer, be they a relative, a friend, or anyone in the medical field. To carry out these three things is the greatest thing one can do for another person.

Jeanne Yates, Devizes, Wilts
Something to remember in these troubled times. Thank you, Jeanne.