December 04, 2004

EU Government Snooping

I find it amazing that governments do not get more opposition to their snooping schemes.

The EU Observer reports on EU justice ministers progressing their plans to force telecoms companies and ISPs to retain information about our phone calls and emails.

Naturally they dress it up (as so much else) as part of 'the fight against terrorism'.

It is not enough to snoop selectively: no, they 'need' to gather information on all of us. And then, as with the UK Proceeds of Crime Act, they will happily use the data for monitoring whoever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason.

There would be no difference in principle were they to copy and store our paper correspondence, put CCTV cameras in our homes, and record all our conversations.

How do they get away with it? Does 1984 not send shivers down people's spines anymore?

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