December 17, 2004

Can Man Really Control The Weather?

The Scotsman reports research suggesting the world is 0.44C warmer in 2004 than the average for 1961 - 1990, and that the last decade has seen 9 of the 10 warmest years since 1861 when global records began.

If the world really is getting warmer, is it down to Man or natural causes (such as sunspots)?

The University of Bern thinks it really is getting warmer.

The Max Plank Institute thinks its down to natural causes.
Stanford isn't sure.

If the world really is getting warmer, is that a bad thing?

The US NCPA reckons cutting emissions is very expensive, and unlikely to make much difference.

The Canadians agree.

So if the world really is getting warmer, is it easier to adapt to that or to attempt to control the weather? Personally, I would go with adapting to it.

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